Zoe Wittering — Photographers Without Borders

What Makes Zoe Wittering More Than a Photographer


Zoe Wittering is a photographer and filmographer based in the South of France. Her passion is to record moments of life from the exceptional and rare to the every day and ordinary.

”I love to capture that moment that shouldn't be forgotten and to create a long lasting reminder of a beautiful memory. The memory of a place, a person, a moment, a feeling.”

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Zoe Wittering on assignment for Zaporuka

In 2019 Zoe went on assignment with PWB to Ukraine to document the work of an NGO supporting children with cancer and neurological diseases, and their families.

“The Ukrainian constitution states that health care is free. But the reality is that, after 71 years of soviet rule, the economic and political instability since independence and the on-going war in the east, many medicines, services, treatments and equipment are not available in the state system. Families therefore have to raise the funds themselves to buy medicines which often cost much more per day than the average wage.”

—Zoe Wittering

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Zoe Wittering on assignment for Zaporuka

In Ukraine, 90 percent of children with cancer and neurological diseases come to Kyiv for diagnosis. Many stay several months for treatment, often hundreds of kilometres away from their homes. Having spent time with the families at the hospitals, Zaporuka founder Natalia Onipko realized that the lengthy hospital stays were extremely hard for the children and their parents, both physically and emotionally, too often resulting in broken families.

So, Zaporuka set up the Dacha Centre, a home for families who have to spend time in Kyiv while their child receives treatment. Today, the centre is at the heart of Zaporuka’s work. More than just a place to sleep, the centre provides families with support, and space for children to play.

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Zoe Wittering on assignment for Zaporuka

Zoe’s project in Kyiv with Zaporuka was documented in the Photographers Without Borders Print Magazine Issue #13, as well as the online magazine.

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Thank you Zoe for photographing life’s tender moments and for continuing to tell important stories that amplify voices of grassroots communities.

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