Andrea Musso and Rabia Khan — Photographers Without Borders

What Makes Andrea Musso & Rabia Khan More Than a Photographer


Andrea Musso and Rabia Khan are two travel and philanthropic photographers. They have been passionately telling stories of diversity of race, colour, faith, gender, orientation through photography.


Andrea Musso on assignment with Mil Milagros

Both Andrea and Rabia participated on assignment for Mil Milagros in Guatemala. Mil Milagros equips mothers and teachers with skills and resources to improve the lives of children and families in rural Guatemala.


Rabia Khan on assignment with Mil Milagros

Rabia and Andrea’s time in Guatemala with Mil Milagros was documented in the Photographers Without Borders Magazine Issue #13 Fall 2019. As well as the online magazine: Mil Milagros teaches how the power of one voice can impact thousands of lives.

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Andrea Musso on assignment in Guatemala

Khan and Musso instantly felt the warmth of both the community and the Mil Milagros staff. Khan saw a noticeable impact within the communities and schools Mil Milagros was involved with. What stood out most for Khan were the stories of the children that she had met, and the impact of Mil Milagros has had on their lives. 

The generosity of this child never left my mind, as well as the hard workers at Mil Milagros. Carolyn, the team and I were on our way to this school, years later, because one boy had the courage to speak up.
— Rabia Khan

Thank you Andrea and Rabia for continuing to advocate for human rights and telling important stories that amplify voices of grassroots communities.

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