Meet the PWB Magazine photo contest winners of Spring 2018 — Photographers Without Borders

Twice a year, Photographers Without Borders invites the community to submit their best, most powerful photographs to our Magazine Photo Contest. Eight winners are chosen and featured in our bi-annual print edition of the PWB Magazine. We are happy to present an in-depth look at our Spring 2018 winners, and the stories behind the images. 

PHOTO: Lexi Truesdale l @lexitruesdalephotos

PHOTO: Lexi Truesdale l @lexitruesdalephotos

Swinging into Beginnings
Kairo, Zanzabar

In the welcoming town of Kairo, located in Zanzibar a young boy goes outside his new school, built by GIVE volunteers. Inside the school he is taught to read, write, and speak English by volunteers. While playing, he approaches me. Feeling his small fingers tapping my back, I turn around and he points to my camera nodding back and forth. I told him “smile!” and he insisted on keeping his bold face, but once I showed him his photo, his face lit up with a humbled smile.


PHOTO: Alexandre Daigle | @journeyintoeye

PHOTO: Alexandre Daigle | @journeyintoeye

Textile Tradition
Chinchero, Cusco, Peru

High in the Andes of Peru, a young Quechuan woman learns the ropes of a thinning thread: the traditional art and science of weaving. As traditional values are changing, the Center for Traditional Textiles in Cusco (CTTC)—a weaving cooperative for the women of Chinchero—was designed to preserve Inca knowledge and revitalize family economics; essentially becoming a tapestry for social organization.


PHOTO: Kaylee Adams

PHOTO: Kaylee Adams

Hunger in Haiti
Barbancourt, Haiti

One of 250 young children that come to the local school to each lunch everyday. An organization I work with helps supply 8,000 meals a day to the hungry in Haiti. Half of the children of Haiti will die before they turn 15 years old. This young boy has a chance to live a full life because of the meals he is provided through Children's Lifeline.


PHOTO: Manuel Succi | @manuelsucci

PHOTO: Manuel Succi | @manuelsucci

Deep in the Jungle
Amazon Rainforest, Ecuador

An Achuar girl walking through the trees deep in the Amazon Rainforest. She knows every secret hidden in the jungle and showed me how we are all connected to the living world.


PHOTO: Manuel Succi | @manuelsucci

PHOTO: Manuel Succi | @manuelsucci

Children of the Coast
Ecuadorian Coast, Province of Manabi

Children of the coast wondering around a baby whale passed away on a sandy beach by the Pacific coast


PHOTO: Callie Eh 

PHOTO: Callie Eh 

Little Helper

The children are strongly involved in the daily work. Although they go to school, during the holidays and on weekends, they support their parents. This boy is the son of my host family in Arkhangai Mongolia. He was helping with the daily activities of the father, but in addition to the popular activities such as riding, there are also unpleasant tasks, such as the mucking out of the paddocks.

"Traveling is sharing the opportunity to discovery a country, his culture, his history and his people."


PHOTO: Celia Voivodich | @escape_with_celiarose

PHOTO: Celia Voivodich | @escape_with_celiarose

The Unspoken Story
Paje Beach, Zanzibar, Tanzania

A young girl from the beach in Zanzibar, played joyfully with her friends by rolling in the sand. I waved from a few feet away. The girl ran up with wonder, staring with eyes as wide and clear as the moon. They told a story I could only imagine. As I snapped her picture she squealed with laughter and wanted to see the finished product, putting her sandy hands all over my screen. In that moment it wasn't important to protect my camera but to continue hearing the laughter of purity and delight.


Savannah Glasgow | @savglas

Savannah Glasgow | @savglas

Wagah Bordr Ceremony in Amritsar, Punjab, India

A female guard at Amritsar and Pakistan Border Ceremony in late 2016. Being a female in India is not easy, as you are expected to marry, have children, cook, clean, and not much else. What makes this image so powerful is that not only do we see a woman with an important job other than being a housewife, but also as a woman in power as a military guard nonetheless.

Now until July 1st, we are accepting submissions for the fall photo contest. Eight winners will be chosen and featured in the next edition of PWB Magazine, coming out October 2018. Visit our contest page for full submission guidelines. 

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