Ron Wilson — Photographers Without Borders

What Makes Ron B Wilson More Than a Photographer


Ron B. Wilson is an award-winning photographer, travel blogger and humanitarian. His work centres around portraiture, fine-art, fashion and travel. Ron first got involved with PWB by going on assignment in 2015 to highlight the work of community partners, Long Way Home.


With his love for travel, it's no surprise Ron went on several assignments with PWB. Ron has documented his time with community partners in Guatemala, India, Ukraine, Guyana and Botswana. In Guatemala with Long Way Home, Ron worked with community partners to highlight sustainable living and environmental stewardship through education and employment. Ron’s photos have been featured in PWB's Online and Print Magazine.

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Ron B.Wilson on assignment with Long Way Home

Ron’s next two assignments took him to Bostwana and India, to work with community partners Young 1ove and Azad respectively. Young 1ove is a NGO committed to offering youth-led health and educational programs.


Ron B.Wilson on assignment with Young 1ove

The Azad India Foundation, a Community Partner working with rural and urban underprivileged children, adolescents and women in the Kishanganj district. This assignment was featured on PWB's Print and Online Magazine.

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Ron B.Wilson on assignment with Clean Futures Fund

Ron traveled to the Ukraine to document the work of Clean Futures Fund, bringing awareness to those affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster. Ron's work was also featured in the PWB Film: Children of Chernobyl.

At one of the most hazardous worksites in the world, the employees of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant risk their lives everyday. Clean Futures Fund (CFF) is working to improve the health and well-being of all generations still feeling the effects of the historic nuclear accident. The Children of Chernobyl captured the intergenerational struggle for a healthy life.


Ron B.Wilson on assignment with SASOD

Most recently, Ron went on assignment again with PWB to work with SASOD. Featured as the most recent PWB Print Magazine cover. Ron's images has celebrated the LGBTQ+ in Guyana and their continued efforts to eliminate sexual orientational discrimination in their community.


“I believe life is about feelings, memories, and split-second moments that will never be repeated. Storytelling, through photography, allows me to take those moments and make a small difference. Nothing makes me happier than being in an unfamiliar place with my tools.” - Ron B. Wilson

Want to become more than a photographer?

Thank you Ron for continuing to advocate for human rights and telling important stories that amplify voices of grassroots communities.
