Robby Dick — Photographers Without Borders

What Makes Robby Dick

More Than a Photographer


Robby is an emerging photographer from Ross River. His work features people, northern life, and the environment in the Yukon. Robby Dick is a member of the Kaska Dene First Nation and he grew up in Tu Łidlini (where the waters flow) all his life. He has been working closely with the Elders of his community for the last five years. He is passionate about revitalizing his language and sharing aspects of his Indigenous culture through visual storytelling.

Robby's work is featured in PWB's Virtual Gallery 'Original 'Perspectives' for the 2020 CONTACT Photography Festival.

CONTACT Online Exhibit.jpg

“I am a member of the Kaska Dena nation, I grew up in a small community of Tu Łidlini (where the waters meet) better known as Ross River YT. I worked closely with the elders for the last 4 years and helped with our very first guardian program within our traditional territory with the youth.”


By Robby Dick as featured in the Original Perspectives Exhibit

“I do a lot of my photography from the land, I try to capture the relationships we as indigenous people still have, what I mean is, with the land and our surroundings. From harvesting to camping, to our Dene practices, we try and walk gently on the land.”

Thank you Robby for continuing to express the need to respect past traditions and struggles, and a desire to inspire future generations of Indigenous artists to showcase their own unique perspectives

Want to become more than a photographer?
