Ian Maracle — Photographers Without Borders

What Makes Ian Maracle

More Than a Photographer


Social justice advocate, portrait photographer and copywriter Ian Maracle strives to highlight the voices of the Indigenous community. Ian identifies his photography as artistry, to inspire and evoke emotion and understanding.

Ian's work is featured in PWB's Virtual Gallery 'Original 'Perspectives' for the 2020 CONTACT Photography Festival.

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“I feel that my worth as an artist doesn't come from my background, but it does come from my blood. I want native youth to stand up to tokenism and blossom as artists in their own right and to understand that their lived experience is what makes their work Indigenous.”


By Ian Maracle as featured in the Original Perspectives Exhibit

“Like many other Indigenous folks across Canada, I find my story influenced heavily by the experiences and struggles of my family and ancestors. What I strive for now is to set my work apart by showing the world that not only am I an Indigenous artist, I'm also just an artist. To show my people and to inspire indigenous youth to strive for more in every aspect of their life.”

Thank you Ian for continuing to express the need to respect past traditions and struggles, and a desire to inspire future generations of Indigenous artists to showcase their own unique perspectives

Want to become more than a photographer?
