Damari McBride — Photographers Without Borders

What Makes Damari McBride More Than a Photographer


Damari McBride is a freelance photographer, art lover and people person. A Michigan native, but a true New Yorker who loves to capture meaningful and captivating portraits.


In 2018, Damari went on assignment with PWB to document Nourish, an NGO that is dedicated to promoting environmental education to marginalized communities in South Africa. With a particular focus on “nourishing” the youth of their communities with not only food but experiences. Fostering an organic love and appreciation for nature and wildlife.

Damari McBride on assignment with Nourish in South Africa

While on assignment, Damari was accompanied by PWB staff to film his storytelling experience and the work that is being done at Nourish. The PWB Film ‘Beyond the Gun’ came out in 2019 and has won several awards.

Damari’s photos from on assignment were featured in the next edition of PWB’s print magazine and were also featured online as an extension to the PWB Film created. The online article, “Beyond the Gun: How apartheid, poverty and poaching intersect in South Africa” further explores Damari’s experience with Nourish.


Although photography is such a huge component in his life, Damari identifies as more than a photographer. Damari sees himself as a “philosopher. [someone who] makes you think, dig deeper, look, and ask the big questions like why and how?” He wants his photographs to  challenge viewers to push the boundaries, challenge themselves and lead them to create change and impact.

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Thank you Damari, and our other member storytellers that are amplifying voices of grassroots communities all around the world.

Want to become more than a photographer?
