What Makes Sara Aliaga More Than a Photographer


Sara Aliaga is a photojournalist from La Paz, Bolivia who works in memory and identity, specifically in the social space of women in Bolivia. Sara searches to reaffirm her own identity through the natural memory and the femininity of Indigenous people that is the same reflection of mother earth.

Sara's work is featured in PWB's Virtual Gallery 'Original 'Perspectives' for the 2020 CONTACT Photography Festival.

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By Sara Aliaga as featured in the Original Perspectives Exhibit

“Cholita tenías que ser” es un proyecto que nace a partir de tratar de entender mis roles como mujer.

“Cholita tenías que ser” is a project that was born from trying to understand my roles as a woman.

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By Sara Aliaga as featured in the Original Perspectives Exhibit

Pese a que yo no tengo su vestimenta típica había algo en la actitud de la chola que me representaba en mi identidad, su fuerza, su resistencia a renunciar a su personalidad, su forma de reír, sus ganas de ser libre.

Despite that I don't have your typical dress, there was something in the attitude of the Chola that represented me in my identity, her strength, her resistance to giving up her personality, her way of laughing, her desire to be free.

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By Sara Aliaga as featured in the Original Perspectives Exhibit

Thank you Sara for continuing to express the need to respect past traditions and struggles, and a desire to inspire future generations of Indigenous artists to showcase their own unique perspectives

Want to become more than a photographer?